Can You Get A Job With A+ Certification?

A computer with a glowing green a+ certification sticker on it

If you are someone who is interested in a career in IT, you may have heard about A+ certification. A+ certification is a valuable credential for IT professionals, as it signifies that the holder has the necessary skills and knowledge to install, maintain, and troubleshoot hardware and software. But can you get a job with A+ certification? In short, the answer is yes. In this article, we will explore the various aspects of A+ certification, including what it is, its history and importance, what jobs you can get with it, how to prepare for the exam, and the future of this certification.

What is A+ Certification?

A+ certification is a professional certification offered by the Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA). It is an entry-level certification that validates the skills and knowledge required for IT professionals to troubleshoot, maintain, and repair hardware and software issues. The exam consists of two parts: the Core 1 exam, which covers hardware and network troubleshooting, mobile devices, virtualization, and cloud computing, and the Core 2 exam, which covers operating systems, security, software troubleshooting, and operational procedures.

Obtaining an A+ certification can be beneficial for individuals seeking employment in the IT industry. Many employers require or prefer candidates with this certification, as it demonstrates a certain level of expertise and knowledge. Additionally, A+ certification holders may have access to higher-paying job opportunities and career advancement.

It is important to note that A+ certification is not a one-time achievement. It must be renewed every three years to ensure that the certified individual is up-to-date with the latest technology and industry standards. This can be done by completing continuing education courses or retaking the certification exam.

The History of A+ Certification and Its Importance Today

A+ certification was first introduced by CompTIA in 1993 and has since become one of the most recognized and respected credentials in the IT industry. Its importance lies in the fact that it signifies that the holder possesses the necessary skills and knowledge needed to succeed in entry-level IT jobs. A+ certification is often the first step for individuals looking to enter the IT profession, and it is a requirement for many IT jobs.

Over the years, A+ certification has evolved to keep up with the changing technology landscape. In 2019, CompTIA updated the A+ certification exam to include more emphasis on cybersecurity, virtualization, and cloud computing. This reflects the growing importance of these areas in the IT industry and ensures that A+ certified professionals are equipped with the latest skills and knowledge.

Advantages of Obtaining A+ Certification

One of the main advantages of obtaining A+ certification is that it sets you apart from other IT professionals who do not hold this certification. A+ certification is a globally recognized credential, which means that it helps you stand out in a crowded job market. Additionally, A+ certification demonstrates that you have the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed in entry-level IT jobs. It is also a requirement for many IT jobs, particularly those in technical support and help desk roles.

Another advantage of obtaining A+ certification is that it can lead to higher salaries. According to CompTIA, individuals with A+ certification earn an average of $52,000 per year, which is higher than the average salary for IT professionals without this certification. This is because A+ certification demonstrates that you have the skills and knowledge to perform a wide range of IT tasks, which makes you a valuable asset to any organization.

Furthermore, A+ certification is not just limited to entry-level IT jobs. It can also help you advance your career by opening up opportunities for more specialized roles, such as network administrator or security analyst. A+ certification provides a strong foundation in IT fundamentals, which can be built upon with additional certifications and experience to pursue more advanced roles in the field.

What Jobs Can You Get with A+ Certification?

A+ certification can prepare you for a range of entry-level IT jobs, including help desk technician, technical support specialist, field service technician, computer repair technician, and IT support technician. With A+ certification, you will have the necessary skills and knowledge to troubleshoot common hardware and software issues, identify and mitigate security risks, and support users of various technical skill levels.

Moreover, A+ certification can also open doors to more advanced IT roles, such as network administrator, system administrator, and cybersecurity analyst. These positions require a deeper understanding of IT infrastructure and security, and A+ certification can serve as a solid foundation for further learning and career advancement.

Additionally, A+ certification is recognized globally and is highly valued by employers in the IT industry. It can give you a competitive edge over other candidates when applying for IT jobs, and can also lead to higher salaries and better job opportunities.

How to Prepare for A+ Certification Exam

The most important step in preparing for the A+ certification exam is to study the exam objectives. This will give you a clear understanding of what topics will be covered on the exam. Additionally, you can use study materials such as books, videos, and practice exams to help you prepare for the exam. These materials will help you identify your strengths and weaknesses and give you an idea of what to expect on the actual exam.

Another important aspect of preparing for the A+ certification exam is to gain hands-on experience with computer hardware and software. This can be achieved through internships, volunteering, or working in the IT field. Practical experience will not only help you understand the concepts better but also give you the confidence to tackle real-world problems. It is also important to stay up-to-date with the latest technology trends and advancements in the field of IT. This can be done by attending conferences, workshops, and networking with other professionals in the industry.

Study Materials for A+ Certification Exam

CompTIA offers a range of study materials for the A+ certification exam, including books, videos, and practice exams. Additionally, there are many third-party study materials available, including online courses, study guides, and practice exams. It is important to choose study materials that are up-to-date and cover all the exam objectives.

One of the most effective ways to prepare for the A+ certification exam is to join a study group. Study groups provide an opportunity to collaborate with other learners, share knowledge, and gain new insights. Many online forums and social media groups are dedicated to A+ certification exam preparation, and they offer a wealth of resources and support. Joining a study group can help you stay motivated and accountable, and it can also provide a sense of community as you work towards achieving your certification.

Tips for Passing the A+ Certification Exam on the First Try

One of the best ways to improve your chances of passing the A+ certification exam on the first try is to take practice exams. These exams will help you identify areas where you need to improve and give you an idea of what to expect on the actual exam. Additionally, make sure to give yourself enough time to study and prepare for the exam. Finally, make sure to read each question carefully and take your time when answering the questions on the exam.

Another important tip for passing the A+ certification exam on the first try is to familiarize yourself with the exam format and structure. This includes understanding the number of questions, time limit, and types of questions that will be asked. You can find this information on the official CompTIA website or by speaking with individuals who have already taken the exam. By knowing what to expect, you can better manage your time and approach each question with confidence.

The Future of A+ Certification and Its Relevance in an Evolving Job Market

A+ certification is still a valuable credential in today’s job market. As technology continues to evolve, the demand for IT professionals will continue to grow. Additionally, the skills and knowledge required for IT professionals will also continue to evolve. A+ certification will continue to remain relevant as it ensures that IT professionals have the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed in entry-level IT jobs.

Moreover, A+ certification is not only relevant for entry-level IT jobs but also for mid-level and advanced IT positions. It provides a strong foundation for IT professionals to build upon and expand their knowledge and skills. A+ certification holders can specialize in various areas such as networking, security, and cloud computing, among others.

Furthermore, A+ certification is recognized globally, making it a valuable credential for IT professionals who want to work abroad. It demonstrates that the holder has a solid understanding of IT concepts and can apply them in real-world situations. As the world becomes more interconnected, the demand for IT professionals with global experience and credentials will continue to increase.

How to Stand Out from Other Job Candidates with A+ Certification

One of the best ways to stand out from other job candidates with A+ certification is to gain additional certifications or education in a specific area of IT. For example, if you are interested in cybersecurity, you can obtain a certification in this field. Additionally, gaining experience through internships, volunteer work, or part-time jobs can also help you stand out from other job candidates.

Another way to stand out from other job candidates with A+ certification is to showcase your problem-solving skills. Many IT jobs require individuals who can think critically and solve complex problems. You can demonstrate your problem-solving skills by sharing examples of how you have resolved technical issues in the past. Additionally, highlighting your ability to work well in a team and communicate effectively can also make you a more attractive candidate to potential employers.

Average Salary and Career Growth Opportunities with A+ Certification

The average salary for IT professionals with A+ certification varies depending on the job title and location. However, according to, individuals with A+ certification can earn an average salary of $47,000 per year. Additionally, A+ certification can lead to career growth opportunities, such as promotions, new job opportunities, and the ability to specialize in a specific area of IT.

Furthermore, A+ certification is recognized globally and is highly valued by employers in the IT industry. This certification demonstrates that an individual has the necessary skills and knowledge to perform tasks related to computer hardware and software. As a result, individuals with A+ certification are often preferred over those without it, which can lead to better job prospects and higher salaries.

In addition, A+ certification is a great starting point for individuals who are interested in pursuing a career in IT. It provides a solid foundation of knowledge and skills that can be built upon with further certifications and experience. Many IT professionals who hold A+ certification go on to obtain additional certifications, such as Network+ or Security+, which can lead to even more career growth opportunities and higher salaries.

Pros and Cons of Getting A+ Certified

Like any certification, getting A+ certified has its pros and cons. Pros of getting A+ certified include increased job opportunities, a higher salary, and the ability to stand out in a crowded job market. Cons of getting A+ certified include the cost of the exam and study materials, the time commitment required to prepare for the exam, and the need to renew the certification every three years.


A+ certification is a valuable credential for IT professionals, as it signifies that the holder has the necessary skills and knowledge to install, maintain, and troubleshoot hardware and software. Can you get a job with A+ certification? The answer is yes. A+ certification can prepare you for a range of entry-level IT jobs, including help desk technician, technical support specialist, field service technician, computer repair technician, and IT support technician. By studying the exam objectives and using study materials such as books, videos, and practice exams, you can prepare for the exam and improve your chances of passing on the first try. Additionally, gaining additional certifications or education in a specific area of IT and gaining experience through internships or part-time jobs can help you stand out from other job candidates. Overall, A+ certification is still a valuable credential in today’s job market, and it can lead to career growth opportunities and a higher salary.

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