Is The A+ Test Open Book?

A book with a plus sign on the cover

When preparing for the A+ certification exam, it is important to know the rules and regulations that govern the exam-taking process. One of the common questions asked by many aspiring candidates is whether the A+ test is open book or not. To better understand this, we need to delve deeper into the A+ certification exam itself and the different rules and regulations that govern it.

Explaining the A+ Certification Exam

The A+ certification exam is a vendor-neutral, entry-level certification that is designed to test the knowledge and skills of IT professionals in various aspects of computer hardware, software, networking, and security. The certification exam is conducted by the Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA) and is recognized globally.

The A+ certification exam is divided into two parts: Core 1 and Core 2. Core 1 covers topics such as mobile devices, networking technology, hardware, and virtualization and cloud computing. Core 2 covers topics such as operating systems, security, software troubleshooting, and operational procedures. The exam consists of multiple-choice questions, performance-based questions, and drag-and-drop questions. Passing the A+ certification exam demonstrates that an IT professional has the necessary skills and knowledge to perform tasks such as installation, configuration, and maintenance of computer systems.

The Purpose of the A+ Certification Exam

The A+ certification exam is designed to test the knowledge and skills of candidates in areas such as installation, maintenance, troubleshooting, and repair of computer hardware and software. The exam is divided into two parts – the Core 1 and Core 2 exams, which cover different topics such as hardware, networking, mobile devices, and cloud computing, among others.

Obtaining an A+ certification can be beneficial for individuals seeking employment in the IT industry. Many employers require or prefer candidates with this certification, as it demonstrates a certain level of expertise and knowledge in the field. Additionally, the certification can lead to higher salaries and opportunities for career advancement. However, it is important to note that the A+ certification is not a guarantee of employment or success in the IT industry, and candidates should continue to develop their skills and knowledge even after obtaining the certification.

Understanding the Rules of the A+ Test

To maintain the integrity and fairness of the exam, CompTIA has put in place various rules and regulations that govern the exam-taking process. These rules are designed to ensure that all candidates are given a fair and equal opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge and skills. One of the rules that govern the A+ certification exam is whether or not it is open book.

Another important rule to note is that candidates are not allowed to bring any electronic devices into the testing room. This includes cell phones, tablets, and laptops. Candidates are also not allowed to bring any study materials or notes into the testing room. This rule is in place to prevent cheating and ensure that all candidates are tested on their own knowledge and skills.

What is an Open Book Exam?

An open book exam is one in which candidates are allowed to bring reference materials to use during the exam. This could include textbooks, notes, or any other relevant reading material. The idea behind an open book exam is to allow candidates to demonstrate their ability to find information quickly and accurately, rather than testing them on memory alone.

Open book exams are often used in higher education, particularly in law and business schools. In these fields, it is important for students to be able to access and apply information from various sources in real-world scenarios. Open book exams also encourage critical thinking and problem-solving skills, as students must analyze and synthesize information from multiple sources.

However, open book exams can also present challenges for students. With access to so much information, it can be difficult to know what to prioritize and how to effectively use the time allotted for the exam. Additionally, open book exams may require more preparation and organization beforehand, as students must carefully select and organize their reference materials.

The Difference Between Open and Closed Book Exams

In contrast, a closed book exam is one in which candidates are not allowed to bring any reference materials into the exam room. The aim of such an exam is to test the candidate’s knowledge and understanding of the subject matter, and their ability to apply that knowledge in a time-limited setting.

One advantage of closed book exams is that they can be used to test a student’s ability to memorize and recall information. This is particularly important in fields such as medicine and law, where professionals are required to have a vast amount of knowledge at their fingertips.

However, closed book exams can also be more stressful for students, as they may feel more pressure to perform well without the aid of reference materials. Additionally, closed book exams may not accurately reflect a student’s ability to apply their knowledge in real-world situations, where they would have access to reference materials and other resources.

Can You Bring Study Materials to the A+ Test?

Unfortunately, the A+ certification exam is a closed book exam, meaning that candidates are not allowed to bring any study materials into the exam room. This is in line with CompTIA’s policy of ensuring that all candidates are given an equal opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge and skills in a fair and consistent manner.

However, this does not mean that you cannot prepare for the exam beforehand. There are many study materials available online, such as practice exams, study guides, and video tutorials, that can help you prepare for the A+ certification exam. It is important to take advantage of these resources to ensure that you are fully prepared for the exam.

In addition, it is important to arrive at the exam center well-rested and with a clear mind. The A+ certification exam is a rigorous and challenging exam, and it is important to be mentally prepared for the task at hand. Make sure to get a good night’s sleep before the exam, and consider practicing relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or meditation to help calm your nerves and focus your mind.

Pros and Cons of an Open Book Exam

While an open book exam may seem like it would be easier to pass, there are both pros and cons to this format. On the one hand, candidates are allowed to refer to relevant materials, which can help them find information they may not have been able to recall from memory. On the other hand, having access to reference materials can lead to test-takers taking longer to complete the exam, as they may spend more time looking for information instead of answering questions. Moreover, open book exams may also be perceived as less rigorous, leading to questions about the credibility of the certification itself.

Another advantage of open book exams is that they can test a candidate’s ability to apply knowledge rather than just memorize it. With access to reference materials, test-takers can focus on understanding and analyzing the information, rather than just trying to remember it. This can be particularly useful in fields where problem-solving and critical thinking are important skills.

However, one potential disadvantage of open book exams is that they may not accurately reflect a candidate’s true knowledge and abilities. With access to reference materials, candidates may be able to answer questions correctly that they would not have been able to without those materials. This can make it difficult to compare the performance of candidates who took open book exams with those who took traditional exams.

Preparing for an A+ Exam – Open or Closed Book?

Regardless of whether the exam is open or closed book, candidates should prepare thoroughly for the A+ certification exam. Preparation should include a combination of studying and hands-on experience, as well as the knowledge of different exam-taking strategies, such as time management and eliminating wrong answers. Depending on the candidate’s preferred learning style, they may also consider taking a training course or practice test to help them prepare for the exam.

It is important to note that open book exams may not necessarily be easier than closed book exams. While candidates may have access to their study materials, they still need to have a solid understanding of the concepts and be able to apply them in real-world scenarios. Additionally, open book exams may have more complex questions that require critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Lastly, candidates should also take care of their physical and mental health during the exam preparation period. This includes getting enough sleep, eating a healthy diet, and taking breaks to avoid burnout. Stress management techniques, such as meditation or exercise, can also be helpful in reducing anxiety and improving focus during the exam.

How to Study for an A+ Certification Exam

When studying for the A+ certification exam, it is important to cover all the exam objectives, according to the official exam objectives that are released by CompTIA. Candidates should also consider using a variety of study materials, including textbooks, online courses, and practice tests. Taking copious notes while studying and engaging in exercises to apply the knowledge is also highly recommended.

Tips on Passing an A+ Test – Closed vs Open-Book

When it comes to taking an A+ certification exam, whether it is open book or closed book, there are several tips and tricks that candidates can use to increase their chances of passing the exam. These include reading the exam instructions carefully, keeping track of time, reading each question carefully, and reviewing any flagged questions at the end. With these guidelines, candidates can approach both open and closed book tests in the best position to succeed.

Common Mistakes to Avoid During an A+ Exam

In addition to the tips for success, there are also certain common mistakes that candidates should avoid when taking the A+ certification exam, regardless of whether it is open or closed book. These could include panicking and guessing, not managing time wisely, or not answering all questions. Candidates must thoroughly read the questions, carefully answer them and ensure that they attempt every one of them to avoid failing the exam.

The Importance of Time Management During an A+ Test

Time management is a critical aspect of succeeding in the A+ certification exam. Candidates must work with a sense of urgency and pace themselves during the exam. They must allocate their allotted exam time wisely to ensure they complete all the questions and have enough time to review any flagged questions at the end. Keeping track of the time and sticking to a strategy is key.

How to Prepare for a Closed-Book Section on the A+ Exam

As noted, the A+ certification exam is a closed book exam, which means there will be no allowed study materials in the exam room. Preparing for this environment, therefore, requires more practice-based learning, memory development, and in-depth study of detailed materials. Using practice exams and the official objectives and materials from CompTIA will be the most important method for success.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Taking An Open Book Test

While the A+ certification exam is a closed book exam, taking an open book test also comes with its advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, having reference material on hand allows test-takers to more easily locate and verify information. On the other hand, there is the risk of relying too heavily on reference materials, leading to poor time management and less effective recall of information. Moreover, open book tests are not always an option, such as the case of the A+ certification exam. Ultimately, the choice between open or closed book tests depends on various factors and understanding the nature of the test and exam format before deciding which is the better option.


In conclusion, the A+ certification exam is a closed book exam, meaning that candidates are not allowed to bring any reference material into the exam room. This is to ensure that all candidates are given an equal opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge and skills in a fair and consistent manner. Regardless of whether a test is open or closed book, candidates should prepare thoroughly for the exam, covering all exam objectives, using a variety of study materials, marking time for effective pacing, and managing their time effectively. By following these strategies, candidates can position themselves to pass their exam and earn the credential that they desire.

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