What Is The Deadline For Taking And Passing The A+ Exams?

A clock with a red circle around the deadline time

The A+ certification is a professional qualification designed to validate the skills and knowledge of aspiring IT professionals. Achieving this certification can open up several career opportunities and help IT professionals showcase expertise in computer hardware and software. The A+ certification is a well-known credential in the IT industry and is valued by employers worldwide. However, one of the most crucial questions that many aspiring IT professionals may have is – what is the deadline for taking and passing the A+ exams?

Understanding the A+ Certification and Its Importance in IT

Before we dive into the deadline for taking and passing the A+ exams, it’s essential to understand the significance of this certification in the IT industry. The A+ certification is an entry-level certification that covers various aspects of computer hardware and software. It confirms that the certified individual has practical skills to work on computer systems and can troubleshoot and maintain them.

Having an A+ certification can demonstrate a candidate’s technical abilities and make them more marketable in the job market. This certification can help IT professionals start their careers in technical support roles, such as help desk technicians, desktop support technicians, and field technicians.

Moreover, the A+ certification is recognized globally and is vendor-neutral, which means that it is not tied to any specific hardware or software manufacturer. This makes it an essential certification for IT professionals who want to work in various industries and organizations.

Additionally, the A+ certification is a prerequisite for many advanced certifications, such as the Network+ and Security+ certifications. These certifications build on the knowledge and skills gained from the A+ certification and can help IT professionals advance their careers and increase their earning potential.

How to Prepare for the A+ Certification Exams

Preparing for the A+ certification exams requires time, commitment, and effort. Candidates have to study and understand various aspects of computer hardware, software, and networking. CompTIA provides several study materials, such as official guides, practice exams, and study groups, to help candidates prepare for the exams.

Before taking the A+ certification exams, candidates must ensure that they meet the eligibility criteria. To be eligible for the certification, candidates must have at least six months of hands-on experience in IT support or relevant training.

It is also important for candidates to have a clear understanding of the exam format and structure. The A+ certification exams consist of two separate exams, namely the Core 1 and Core 2 exams. The Core 1 exam covers topics such as mobile devices, networking technology, and hardware. The Core 2 exam covers topics such as operating systems, security, and software troubleshooting.

In addition to studying the exam content, candidates should also practice time management and test-taking strategies. This can include taking practice exams under timed conditions, reviewing missed questions, and identifying areas of weakness to focus on during further study.

The Benefits of Passing the A+ Certification Exams

Now let’s come to the core of our discussion. What is the deadline for taking and passing the A+ exams? The good news is that there is no deadline for taking and passing the A+ certification exams. Candidates can take the exams whenever they feel ready and have met the eligibility criteria.

Passing the A+ certification exams can provide many benefits to IT professionals. It can help them earn higher salaries, gain recognition from their peers and employers, and open up several career opportunities.

One of the biggest benefits of passing the A+ certification exams is that it can help IT professionals stay up-to-date with the latest technologies and industry trends. The exams cover a wide range of topics, including hardware, software, networking, and security, which can help professionals expand their knowledge and skills.

Additionally, passing the A+ certification exams can also help IT professionals stand out in a competitive job market. Many employers prefer to hire candidates who have earned industry certifications, as it demonstrates their commitment to their profession and their willingness to learn and grow.

Tips for Passing the A+ Certification Exams on Your First Attempt

While there is no fixed deadline for taking and passing the A+ exams, candidates must aim to pass the exams as soon as possible to reap the benefits of the certification. To ensure that they pass on their first attempt, candidates must follow a rigorous study plan, use official study materials, and participate in study groups.

Additionally, candidates should take several practice tests to become familiar with the exam’s structure and types of questions. They should also take the time to understand exam objectives and update their knowledge of computer hardware, software, and networking concepts.

Another important tip for passing the A+ certification exams on your first attempt is to manage your time effectively during the exam. Candidates should read the instructions carefully and allocate their time wisely to ensure that they have enough time to answer all the questions. They should also avoid spending too much time on difficult questions and move on to easier ones to maximize their score.

Finally, candidates should take care of their physical and mental health during the exam preparation period. They should get enough sleep, exercise regularly, and eat a healthy diet to ensure that they are in the best possible condition to take the exam. They should also manage their stress levels by taking breaks, practicing relaxation techniques, and seeking support from family and friends.

Common Mistakes to Avoid During the A+ Certification Exam

During the A+ certification exams, candidates must avoid common mistakes to increase their chances of passing the exams. Some of the common mistakes include failing to read questions carefully, not managing time effectively, and not reviewing answers before submitting the exam.

Candidates should also avoid relying on guesswork or assumptions and should instead use the knowledge gained from their hands-on experience and study materials. Additionally, candidates should avoid bringing cell phones or other prohibited devices into the exam room and should follow exam room rules and regulations.

Another common mistake that candidates should avoid during the A+ certification exam is not taking breaks. It is important to take short breaks during the exam to refresh the mind and avoid burnout. Candidates should also ensure that they are well-rested and have had a good meal before the exam to avoid fatigue and lack of concentration.

What Happens If You Fail the A+ Certification Exam?

In case a candidate fails the A+ certification exams, they can retake the exams. Candidates must wait for at least fourteen calendar days before taking the exams again. Candidates can take the exam up to three times in one year before reaching the annual limit.

Candidates should use the time between attempts to review their knowledge, study exam objectives, and take practice exams. Candidates may also consider retaking the exams after gaining additional hands-on experience or seeking professional training.

It is important to note that there is a fee for each attempt at the A+ certification exam. Candidates should consider the cost of retaking the exam when deciding whether to retake it. Additionally, candidates who fail the exam multiple times may want to seek out additional resources, such as tutoring or study groups, to help them prepare for future attempts.

While failing the A+ certification exam can be discouraging, it is important to remember that many successful IT professionals have failed certification exams at some point in their careers. Candidates should use their failure as an opportunity to learn and grow, and to identify areas where they need to improve their knowledge and skills.

How Long Should You Study for the A+ Certification Exam?

There is no fixed duration for studying for the A+ certification exams. The study duration depends on a candidate’s prior experience and knowledge of computer hardware, software, and networking. However, CompTIA recommends that candidates spend at least 12 to 16 weeks preparing for the exams.

During this period, candidates should create a study plan, use official study materials, set aside adequate time for studying, participate in study groups, and take practice exams. Candidates should also take frequent breaks during their study sessions to avoid burnout and maintain focus.

It is important to note that the A+ certification exams are not easy and require a significant amount of effort and dedication to pass. Candidates should not underestimate the difficulty of the exams and should be prepared to put in the necessary time and effort to succeed. Additionally, candidates should consider seeking guidance from experienced professionals or mentors in the field to help them prepare for the exams and gain a better understanding of the material.

Differences Between the 220-1001 and 220-1002 A+ Exams

CompTIA offers two exams for the A+ certification. The 220-1001 exam covers computer hardware, mobile devices, networking technology, and cloud computing. The 220-1002 exam covers operating systems, security, and software troubleshooting. Candidates must pass both exams to earn the A+ certification.

The exams have different numbers of questions and different time limits. The 220-1001 exam has 90 questions and a time limit of 90 minutes, while the 220-1002 exam has 90 questions and a time limit of 90 minutes. Candidates can take the exams separately or together, depending on their preferences.

It is important to note that the passing score for both exams is 675 out of 900. Additionally, the cost of each exam may vary depending on the country and testing center. Candidates can prepare for the exams by studying the exam objectives provided by CompTIA and using study materials such as books, practice exams, and online courses. It is recommended that candidates have at least 9-12 months of hands-on experience in the field before taking the exams.

What Are The Eligibility Requirements for Taking The A+ Exams?

To take the A+ certification exams, candidates must meet the CompTIA eligibility criteria. Candidates must have at least six months of hands-on experience in IT support or relevant training. Alternatively, candidates can demonstrate their knowledge by passing a CompTIA IT Fundamentals certification exam.

In some cases, candidates with some other IT certifications or degrees may also be eligible to take the A+ certification exams. Candidates can verify their eligibility on the CompTIA website.

Understanding the Format and Structure of the A+ Certification Exam

The A+ certification exams follow a multiple-choice format and test candidates on various aspects of computer hardware, software, and networking. The exams cover exam objectives, and candidates must know the exam objectives before taking the exams.

The exams have a time limit, and candidates must answer all the questions within the given time limit. Candidates should also review their answers before submitting the exam to avoid mistakes or errors. After completing the exams, candidates receive their scores immediately.

Where Can You Take The A+ Certification Exam?

Candidates can take the A+ certification exams at CompTIA-authorized testing centers worldwide. The testing centers ensure that candidates can take the exams in a secure and controlled environment. Candidates can locate a testing center near them on the CompTIA website.

How Much Does It Cost to Take The A+ Certification Exam?

The cost of taking the A+ certification exams depends on the candidate’s geographic location and the type of exam taken. Typically, the exams cost around $232 per exam in the United States. However, CompTIA updates exam fees annually, and candidates should check the CompTIA website for updated fees.

Tips for Maintaining Your A+ Certification After Passing The Exams

Maintaining the A+ certification requires candidates to participate in Continuing Education Units (CEUs). Candidates can participate in various IT-related activities, such as attending training courses, participating in industry events and conferences, and contributing to IT-related publications.

After three years, candidates must renew their certification by submitting the required CEUs. Maintaining the A+ certification can provide candidates with several benefits, such as staying updated with industry trends and maintaining their marketability.


In conclusion, the A+ certification can provide aspiring IT professionals with several career opportunities and benefits. There is no fixed deadline for taking and passing the A+ exams. Candidates can take the exams whenever they feel ready and have met the eligibility criteria. However, candidates must aim to pass the exams as soon as possible to start reaping the benefits of the certification. Candidates should follow a rigorous study plan, participate in study groups, and take practice exams to ensure that they pass on their first attempt.

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